Chris Lakeland

Chris Lakeland – Level 1 Triathlon Coach

My triathlon journey started in 2010, when having started a new job and committed myself to commuting more on the bike or by running, one of my colleagues made a passing comment of ….’if you could swim you could do a triathlon!’  I thought, I can swim, maybe a triathlon is a good idea.  6 weeks later I was taking part in my first sprint triathlon – it was a cold, wet October morning, and I loved every moment of it!  The racing was fun, if hard work, and the people were great, sharing guidance and advice all the way.  I was hooked!

Over the following years I completed more sprint and then olympic distance events, gradually building confidence and learning that your body really can achieve (or withstand) an awful lot!  I took another step and completed my first half iron distance in 2015 and then heard about the Ben Nevis Triathlon, an event culminating in a half marathon to the summit and back….that sounds fun, I thought!  I also realised it was time to get a coach, and working together I was finally ready to race.  A cold morning at Fort William, the swim was baltic, the ride damp and the run was amazing – the moment I dropped below the cloud line on the descent and I could see Fort William and the finish again I was overwhelmed.  This event taught me the benefit of having coach support as you develop too.

I’ve had the pleasure, and fortune to complete various events, in all distances up to full iron over the past 14 years.  I love the swim, I love the bike, and I have a love-hate relationship with the run!  Most of all, I still love the people and the atmosphere.  There is always something to learn from others, and these days, with some experience under my belt, I have something to give back too.  That’s where my coaching journey begins… I met Mark and Teresa Harman late in 2023 and they have supported me in completing my first round of coaching development, becoming a Foundation Coach in April 2024.  I joined TriHarman at the same time and am now training and coaching with the club – we have great experience for all to learn from, and the club has a ‘family feel’, making all our sessions fun (but hard work too obviously!). I remain passionate about giving something back to a sport that has given me so much over the years, and the next coaching qualification is looming large for early 2025….along with more events of course 😉